◼︎앱 아이콘을 길게(3D Touch는 짧게) 누르면 보여지는 메뉴(Context Menu)

아래 이미지에 "Take Selfie, Record Video, Record Slo-mo, Take Portrait" 의 메뉴들을 말한다.


  • 고정된 Quick Action
  • 동적 Quick Action


        <string>Take Selfie</string>
        <string>Take Selfie an item</string>
        <string>Record Video</string>
        <string>Record Video an item</string>



iOS Keys

iOS Keys The iOS frameworks provide the infrastructure you need for creating iOS apps. You use the keys associated with this framework to configure the appearance of your app at launch time and the behavior of your app once it is running. UIKit keys use th




'IPhone' 카테고리의 다른 글

iOS 12.1.2 업데이트  (0) 2018.12.30
SWIFT  (0) 2018.11.04
UIWebView 를 빈화면으로 만들기  (0) 2013.01.08
Universal Static Library 만들기  (0) 2013.01.07
화면전환  (0) 2012.11.22

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